Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Something is Brewing...

And I can't wait until it is done!

This week has been hard on me. I went on vacation this past weekend. I had one of my final presentations yesterday. I have to present another in two days. I want to kick back and relax, but I can't. I want my sister to finish my book...but that isn't going to happen as quickly as I would like.

Yes, you read that correctly. This time around, I'm having one of my sisters read my draft before everyone else. She volunteered to be my editor...and she's taking her job very seriously, writing notes and calling me on the phone to discuss things. I am hoping that she will be done in two or three months so we can cut deep into Brewing Our Trouble. I am so excited. I literally Cannot Wait. And it's distracting me from doing my school work. Why, oh why, am I taking a summer class again?

A side note: It's Harry Potter's birthday! It's JK Rowling's birthday! It's my nephew's birthday! Celebrations! I really don't want to do anything productive tonight.

Because I am in such a good mood and in honor this special day, I've decided to reveal something about my third book. Yes, that's right: my third book. Don't worry: no spoilers. I was even thinking about revealing the book title, but... I think I'll hold onto that juicy secret for a little while longer.

Instead, I shall confirm that in the third book I will be shifting away from Cassie and focusing on Elsie. I know that this might disappoint some Cassie fans, but there is a reason, I promise. Actually, there are many reasons. By the time you finish the third book, especially the epilogue, hopefully everyone will understand.

Are you excited for my second book release? As of right now, I'm hoping for a November release date. I shall confirm my picked release night when the story is finished and my team and I start working on the cover.

Oh, and if you're interested, I've also posted the summary of Brewing Our Trouble. Head over to my "Magic Spells Trilogy" tab here on the blog for a sneak peak into what is in store for the five magical friends. But, please, keep in mind that even the summary is going through editing.

You're welcome.